Category: Advanced Rosin Tech

3 Strains for Pressing into Rosin: From Beginner to Challenging

Not all cannabis strains were created equally when it comes to solventless rosin, and at the end of the day, some just press better than others. Obviously, how well a particular strain was cultivated will always play the biggest role in rosin quality and yield. However, with all things being equal in terms of cultivation quality, some strains do stand out above the rest when it comes to pressing time. Furthermore, even among the best rosin strains, some tend to be more forgiving in the press, and hence easier for beginners. Conversely, other strains require more diligence and skill...

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The 3 Types of Solventless Extraction Setups

From DIY hair straighteners in a bedroom to pro-grade pneumatic presses in a lab, there’s a number of levels to rosin extraction. And whether you’re a simple on-the-go dabber, home desktop rosin enthusiast, or even a big commercial producer, there’s a perfect setup that can be tailored just for you. Here at Rosin Tech, we believe there are three distinct types of solventless extraction setups: mobile, home, and lab level. Each of these setups require particular equipment considerations, so let us take you through a typical example of each. Mobile Solventless Extraction Equipment Small on the go setups hark...

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Did Minor League Baseball Just Greenlight Cannabis Use?

Back in December 2019, Major League Baseball announced that it would be removing cannabis from their banned substances list for professional players in the minor leagues. This finally brought minor league baseball into line with the major leagues, who hadn’t been policed as harshly as the smaller local town players. Starting with the 2020 season, a whole world of solventless cannabis has opened to major sports, and solventless cannabis for athletic recovery, performance anxiety, and pain relief are just around the corner for professional baseball players, minor and major leaguers alike. “Drugs of Abuse” It’s an open secret that major league baseball players have never really been tested for cannabis, and while few talk about it publicly, a fairly overt cannabis culture exists within the game at its highest levels. For minor leaguers however, it’s a very different story. Owing to their generally younger ages, minor league pros had previously been subject to strict testing, and swift bans if caught using cannabis. Ultimately, this meant players were forced to avoid using cannabis completely, even as a medicine.  But now, following the MLBs official announcement that it is removing cannabis from its list of “Drugs of Abuse”, minor league players can finally make use of cannabis just like the big timers. Furthermore, with the two leagues aligned on cannabis policy, this surely presents a tremendous opportunity for solventless cannabis to...

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Pressing At Home: Keep Flowers Fresh With Boveda

Relative humidity is a much bigger deal than most cannabis enthusiasts give it credit for. Keeping the moisture in your bud at the perfect level affects everything from the flavor and aroma of your weed, all the way to the effects it elicits, and even how well it stores over time. Neglecting this critical aspect can have dire consequences for your prized flower, and will seriously impact your resulting rosin’s quality. That’s why it’s so important to maintain correct humidity levels inside your cannabis containers, and also why Boveda Packs are the answer to all of your humidity woes....

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Could Virtual Trade Shows Work for the Cannabis Industry?

With the internet now in almost everybody’s home, a new breed of virtual trade shows are catering to audiences who can’t make it in person to their favorite conventions. Plus, under the current climate of the global pandemic, large public gatherings continue to run the risk of exposure and cancellation. However, these strange times have given virtual attendance to events a whole new significance. But what does that mean for the cannabis industry and solventless rosin – where smelling, tasting, and experiencing cannabis is at the heart of the occasion?  Virtual Trade Shows: Not as New as You May...

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