Category: Make Live Rosin

The Importance of Water in Bubble Hash Production

Bubble hash production is a difficult and complicated process with a high skill ceiling and the need for a lot of specialized equipment. While producers tend to focus on obvious critical items such as hash washing machines, freeze dryers, and quality starting material, many overlook simpler aspects of ice water extraction such as water resources. However, the importance of water in bubble hash production cannot be overstated. Ice Water Extraction: The Importance of Water As a commercial producer it’s up to you to ensure your produce is clean and safe for public consumption. That means the water you use...

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Choosing the Best Strains to Process for Solventless Extraction

When it comes to choosing the best strains to process for solventless extraction, there’s a lot to consider. Both the strain and the outright quality of your bud will greatly impact your end results, so knowing the key indicators of cannabis quality and which strains work best will pay dividends down the line. In this guide we’ll show you what to look for when selecting the best cannabis for rosin pressing. Trichomes Solventless extraction is all about separating trichomes from the plant materials. That makes it important to select strains with the highest trichome count possible as the more...

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Rosin Bag: The Art of Filtering

Filtering is a critical aspect of quality solventless rosin making. Correct filtering practices can vastly improve the purity of your end results, and getting to grips with this tricky art is a must for those looking to up their rosin game. What Is a Rosin Filter Bag? Rosin filter bags are an accessory that you can use to further purify your solventless rosin. They are typically nylon or polyester meshes that filter out impurities and plant materials as you press, and they can greatly improve the overall quality of your rosin when used correctly. Benefits of a Rosin Filter...

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Rosin Making Essentials: How to Use a Pre-Press Mold

While pressing flower is the easiest way to make solventless rosin, there are a number of subtleties to the process that can really improve your press. An often overlooked step involves pre-pressing your cannabis flower, but what is pre-pressing? And how do you do it? Let’s take a look at how to use a pre-press mold. What Is Pre-Pressing? Pre-pressing is a technique that helps to prepare your cannabis flower for pressing into rosin. It involves lightly squashing buds into an even shaped block which helps to improve your rosin output. Consistently distributing flower in this way allows heat...

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Flower Rosin: Are Filter Bags Worth It?

While micron filter bags are an absolute necessity when it comes to pressing with dry-sift or bubble hash, their use is not critical when pressing from flower, and subsequently, many flower pressers don’t even consider using them. However, filter bags have a lot to bring to the solventless table, as they can improve the quality of your flower rosin immensely.  See how micron filter bags help prevent plant material from being pressed into finished flower rosin. What are Micron Filter Bags? Rosin micron filters are typically bags composed of a fine nylon mesh, and they basically function in the...

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