Category: How-To

Alternative Uses for Your Rosin Press

Did you know there’s more you can do with a rosin press than just pressing solventless rosin? A Rosin Tech press is the backbone of any solventless rosin setup, and while you may think it’s only useful for heating and squeezing out gooey concentrate, your press actually has a few more tricks up its sleeve. From simple rosin life hacks to performing processes normally reserved for specialist equipment, there’s a lot more you can do with a rosin press than just make rosin. Here’s a few examples of some alternative uses for your rosin press. Decarbing Rosin Decarbing rosin...

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Rosin Clarity: How to Make Beautifully Clear Rosin

A light color and clear consistency are hallmarks of top quality solventless rosin. But for many beginner rosineers, achieving that level of refinement can be tricky – or might even seem impossible. However, with the right know-how and technique, clear rosin is right around the corner. So, if your solventless rosin looks dark or has an inconsistent appearance to it, then dive into our clarity guide! We’ll show you exactly how to make beautifully clear rosin. Starting Material Quality As with all aspects of rosin making, the quality of your starting material has the biggest impact on your end...

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First Time Rosin Presser: 3 Forgiving Strains for Beginners

Solventless rosin making is an art and a skill, and mastering the rosin technique takes time, effort, and above all, practice. As a first time presser, rosin making can seem like a daunting prospect, but luckily, its learning curve is far from insurmountable.  If you missed part one of this series, be sure to check out our First Time Rosin Presser: 5 Mistakes Not to Make which covers many of the basic errors of rosin making, and is a great place to start if your brand new to the rosin game. Here we’ll build on that advice and explore...

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Flower Rosin: Are Filter Bags Worth It?

While micron filter bags are an absolute necessity when it comes to pressing with dry-sift or bubble hash, their use is not critical when pressing from flower, and subsequently, many flower pressers don’t even consider using them. However, filter bags have a lot to bring to the solventless table, as they can improve the quality of your flower rosin immensely.  See how micron filter bags help prevent plant material from being pressed into finished flower rosin. What are Micron Filter Bags? Rosin micron filters are typically bags composed of a fine nylon mesh, and they basically function in the...

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How to Decarboxylate Rosin for Making Edibles

Decarboxylation has become all the rage in the cannabis gastronomy field. But for good reason, it amplifies the potency of cannabis enormously when infused into edibles. Decarboxylation or “decarbing” is a process that converts the naturally occurring acid form of THC, into its high giving cousin Delta 9 THC. It’s the same thing that happens instantly when you vape or burn cannabis, and without this process weed doesn’t really get you high.   The Importance of Decarbing Rosin If you’re going to use any form of cannabis in edibles, then you’re going to need to decarb it, solventless rosin included....

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